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  • 21 Mar 2025 7:37 AM | Anonymous

    The Perry Main Street Association (PMSA) proudly announces four new gateway signs at the major entrances to the Village of Perry. The attractively designed signs, created by SignLanguage Inc., Perry, N.Y., include the village’s sea serpent logo, the PMSA website (iloveperryny.com) and the Genesee Trail Towns logo.

    Each sign includes a banner with its sponsor’s name. PMSA acknowledges and thanks for four Perry businesses that underwrote individual signs. Sponsorship and location are:

              Creative Food Ingredients, South 39 (Main St.)

              JN White, North 246 (Center St.)

              Perry Veterinary Clinic, North 39 (Main St.)

              Tompkins Banking, west Lake St.

    PMSA collaborated with the Village and Town of Perry to finalize the project. Through a memorandum of understanding, the village took ownership of the signs once installed, and the town will finance their annual maintenance to extend their vibrancy.

    “Thank you PMSA on behalf of the village for all the work and coordination to get these signs in the ground,” says Rick Hauser, village mayor. “They look so sharp.”

    “The village gateway signs are vital for creating a welcoming and distinctive entrance to our community,” says Sean Valdes, PMSA chairperson and Perry Tompkins branch manager. “The PMSA deeply appreciates the volunteers and business donors who help to make these beautiful signs possible.”

    “The Town of Perry has made a commitment to PMSA and the village to continue to partner on projects that promote our community,” says Tracy Rozanski, a town board member and its liaison to the PMSA board.

    The Perry Main Street Association is a volunteer-led advocacy organization that supports Perry businesses and activities through a range of programs and projects These include the Mayor’s Community Projects Fund that cost-shares such things as perpendicular signs and a Curbside Appeal Program for businesses seeking assistance on their public appearance.

    Two recently instituted PMSA projects have been of particular benefit to businesses. The volunteer Main Street Manager has met with business owners, encouraged the use of the PMSA Give Perry certificates and provided helpful information on PMSA and village programs. Also, PMSA engaged Sarah McGinnis Photography to launch an active social media presence. Her work includes visits to local businesses to take photos and create video. These are available to the business at no cost, if a PMSA member, for their social media and also appear as PMSA Facebook and Instagram posts and reels.

  • 11 Mar 2025 9:15 AM | Anonymous

    The Perry Main Street Association is looking to hire a consultant to help us refocus and rebrand our internal and external communication platform to help Perry achieve the DRI/Strategic Investment Plan goals and better meet the needs of a new generation of volunteers. This update will make great strides in allowing the PMSA to communicate effectively both locally and regionally, connecting residents and visitors to our village in an authentic and mutually beneficial way.

    We're looking to hire a firm that can collaboratively work with our community and our PMSA board to develop two new brand identities to help us connect to locals and visitors alike. Informed by public outreach, and sculpted by PMSA goals and objectives, this firm will then create two new websites that will act as streamlined platforms for community members to upload content relevant to the groups mission. To showcase these two new websites and their intended uses, the contractor will additionally generate content for both of them as a final task.

    The perfect candidate would be someone with a strong local knowledge of Perry NY and the Genesee Valley Region, and is familiar already with many of the existing plans and efforts for the Silver Lake Trail, Letchworth Gateway Villages, the LWRP, and other revitalization efforts.

    The full version of the RFP is available here.

    Proposals are to be emailed to <james@insitearch.com> by May 5th at the close of business day.

  • 03 Dec 2024 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    Seeking the 'perfect gift'? Perry employers and organizations are happy to report they have found it, in the form of Give Perry certificates.

    Give Perry certificates, a program of the Perry Main Street Association (PMSA), can be used like cash at any PMSA member business, allowing companies such as JN White, Tompkins Community Bank and Hart’s Insurance to give local to their employees and to support fellow Perry businesses.

    Image: PMSA member Meghan Hauser delivers $2000 in Give Perry certificates to JN White President, Jason Aymerich.

    Trini Kuzmicki, President of Hart’s Insurance, rewards her team with Give Perry certificates for reaching goals. “The Give Perry certificates are easy to use, and employees appreciate the special recognition.” “The Give Perry certificate program, begun in 2012 by PMSA, is unique to our community,” says Eleanor Jacobs, PMSA board chair. “The certificates, in $10 and $25 denominations, are a win-win: They support local businesses while being an easy, yet useful, gift.”

    And not only businesses purchase Give Perry. The Perry Rotary Club liked the idea of shopping and giving local so much that they funded $1,000 in Give Perry certificates for distribution to deserving Perry Central School District students and their families.

    Give Perry certificates are available at Tompkins Community Bank, Perry branch, and can be purchased by anyone.

    For more information, consult iloveperryny.com/giveperry, or contact Meghan Hauser at (585) 237-5375.

  • 28 Apr 2024 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    Hot off the presses, and now available online -- the 2024 Events Schedule is here!

    Download and electronic copy, anytime. 

    Be on the lookout for physical copies in locations around the community! 

  • 20 May 2023 2:00 PM | Anonymous

      Exciting news!

      The 2023 Perry Events Guide is now available.

      Download an electronic copy here, anytime.

      Be on the lookout for physical locations around Perry.

  • 15 Apr 2023 9:15 AM | Anonymous

    Please Join Us for the Spring Community Meeting

    We look forward to seeing everyone for the Spring Community Meeting on April 26, 2023, 7pm at the Village Hall, upstairs on Main Street! 

    Topics include: 

    - New Businesses
    - Community Updates
    - Main St. Mural Project Input Session with mural artist Shawn Dunwoody!

  • 13 Feb 2023 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    Governor Hochul has announced Perry as the round 6 recipient of the NYS Downtown Revitalization Initiative award for the Finger Lakes region! 

    For more information, visit: villageofperry.com/dri

  • 30 Dec 2022 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    We have been advised that 'Last Night Perry' which was scheduled for 12/31/22 will unfortunately not take place as planned this year. It has been cancelled. 

  • 04 Nov 2022 10:00 AM | Anonymous

    We look forward to seeing everyone for the Fall Community Meeting on November 16, 2022, 7pm at the Masonic Temple on Main Street! 

    Topics include: 

    Complete Streets
    Downtown Revitalization Application (DRI/NYF)
    Letchworth Gateway Villages & GV Trail Towns Updates
    Resiliency Study
    and more!

  • 06 Jun 2022 12:27 PM | Anonymous

    Great news!

    The 2022 Perry Events Guide is now available.

    Download an electronic copy here, anytime.

    Be on the lookout for physical locations around Perry.

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copyright (c) 2015-2025, Perry Main Street Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved. || Contact us: questions@iloveperryny.com

Perry Main Street Association, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  P.O. Box 186, Perry, NY 14530