The Perry Main Street Association is looking to hire a consultant to help us refocus and rebrand our internal and external communication platform to help Perry achieve the DRI/Strategic Investment Plan goals and better meet the needs of a new generation of volunteers. This update will make great strides in allowing the PMSA to communicate effectively both locally and regionally, connecting residents and visitors to our village in an authentic and mutually beneficial way.
We're looking to hire a firm that can collaboratively work with our community and our PMSA board to develop two new brand identities to help us connect to locals and visitors alike. Informed by public outreach, and sculpted by PMSA goals and objectives, this firm will then create two new websites that will act as streamlined platforms for community members to upload content relevant to the groups mission. To showcase these two new websites and their intended uses, the contractor will additionally generate content for both of them as a final task.
The perfect candidate would be someone with a strong local knowledge of Perry NY and the Genesee Valley Region, and is familiar already with many of the existing plans and efforts for the Silver Lake Trail, Letchworth Gateway Villages, the LWRP, and other revitalization efforts.
The full version of the RFP is available here.
Proposals are to be emailed to <> by May 5th at the close of business day.
copyright (c) 2015-2025, Perry Main Street Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved. || Contact us:
Perry Main Street Association, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 186, Perry, NY 14530