The Mayors Fund

What is the Mayors Fund?

The Mayors Fund is a donation-matching program, administered by the PMSA. All funds donated to the Mayors Fund are eligible to be matched by Mayor Hauser, and other generous donors. 

Thanks to Mayor Hauser and the other generous donors who made donation-matching gifts, every dollar donated to the fund in 2015 was matched to become three dollars—a triple-match!

When did it begin?

We started getting the word out about it in 2015! 

How does it work?

It's simple! Every time a donation is made to the Mayor's Fund, Mayor Hauser matches it -- up to the amount of his annual stipend for Mayoral service to the village. 

How does the Mayor's Fund get used?

These funds are dedicated to supporting the PMSA Objectives. The first use of the fund was to support the first seminar we co-sponsored with SCORE and the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce on Cashflow & Seasonality. The fund will also support the our enhanced Facade & Signage Grant program

That program makes up to $1000 per applicant, depending on the estimated cost of the project available to applicants to help them with projects that will have a positive impact downtown.   

Can I make a donation to the Mayors Fund? 

Yes! You can make a donation online, or send in a check with a short form you can print and mail. 

Will my donation be matched by the Mayor?

Yes! Mayor Hauser pledged to match donations again in 2016—so let's take him up on it!

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Perry Main Street Association, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  P.O. Box 186, Perry, NY 14530