Perry Community Garden

The Community Garden project started in 2010, and has enjoyed great interest and support from members of the community.

The cost to have a plot is very low. The Community Garden is open to everyone - you need only an interest and desire to garden to participate. It's goal is provide space to those who would like to use it! Water is provided.

The Long Plot

The long plot was planted with the "three sisters" —corn, beans and pumpkins. During the last season, Perry's kindergarten made a field trip to the new Community Garden to see the pumpkins growing, and sixteen pumpkins were donated to the PCS Elementary School Kindergarten. A cover crop of oats was planted at the end of the season.

Action: Weeding, Watering and Planting

Each Tuesday night, the "gardeners" met to weed, water, plant and watch the gardens grow!

The project has really benefited from the efforts of many - including the staff of Dr. Field's office, who have helped to keep the scarecrow adequately clothed! A compost pile has already been established for the garden.

Project Purpose

Why the garden project? The mission is "to develop a community garden organized and managed by a volunteer group where residents can rent a small plot to grow vegetables and/or flowers." 


  •     Access: Establish an option for all community residents to garden
  •     Education: Healthy Food Choices, Self-sufficiency, gardening skills, sustainability
  •     Connection: Create opportunities for residents to connect through a shared resource
  •     Create mentoring opportunities
  •     Support pride in community through useful beautification
  •     Provide family-oriented activities
  •     Promote heritage of rural agricultural values

Please come visit, enjoy or get your own plot in the Perry Community Garden! 

For more information, contact Dave or Sandy Bojanowski at 585-237-3721.

copyright (c) 2015-2025, Perry Main Street Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved. || Contact us:

Perry Main Street Association, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  P.O. Box 186, Perry, NY 14530