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2020 Census: Make Perry Count

28 Jan 2020 2:24 PM | Anonymous

As you may have already heard, the 2020 complete census will be starting over the next couple months.

Everyone will be getting an invitation to take the Census in the mail in March 2020.

This letter will have a link to a website where you can fill out your census via the internet.

If you don’t have access to the internet at home, please go to your local library to fill it out.

You may also call in to respond to the Census. If you have questions there is a hotline for the Census and the staff at the library has been trained to respond to most questions.

Reporting our population accurately is very important for things like governmental representation and government funding allocation - you can’t decide how big of a piece of pie you should cut until you know how many people will be eating!

The importance of responding to the census cannot be overstated.

The federal government uses these figures to determine things like how many US Representatives your state gets in Congress, as well as how many points your state is worth in the Electoral College. Nearly every part of governance is affected in some way by the results of the census.

There is no way to overstate the importance of the Census.

You can Make Perry Count by responding to the 2020 Census!!

-- PMSA thanks Jessica Pacciotti, Director, Perry Public Library for this article 

Have Census Questions

Call the Perry Library at 237-2243 or email a member of the library team.

Remember: The importance of responding to the census cannot be overstated.

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Perry Main Street Association, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  P.O. Box 186, Perry, NY 14530